“My Voice” by Ryan Joudrey

At age 21, in the fall of 2002, it seemed I was in the prime of life and had everything going for me – living on my own, lots of great friends and family, loving University life, a fairly active and healthy lifestyle, plus a girlfriend I’d been with for a year. That was, until […]
“My Voice” by Mickey Ferry

I was asked if I would consider writing something about my experience with Leukemia. I was asked at a good time because I was just about to travel to Belfast for one of my check-ups. When I was there I, as ever, met up with Susan Piggott, the Bone Marrow Transplant coordinator at Belfast City […]
“My Voice” by Betsy de Parry

On January 7, 2002, cancer called. Literally. I was driving on the interstate thinking about the goals I wanted to accomplish during the new year when my cell phone rang. Three little words, “We suspect lymphoma,” crashed over me with the force of the semi traveling next to me. And they replaced my grandiose goals […]
“My Voice” by Eric North

At 17, I was enrolled as a full time college student. My life was coming together. When I started to notice that I was short of breath, tired and just overall exhausted from doing normal activities. I woke up one morning and my throat hurt so bad that I couldn’t swallow anything. Ignoring all of […]
“My Voice” by Dr. Paul Nottoli

Diagnosis: On Oct 1, 1986 at the age of 4 I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL). I had been getting sick off and on for a few weeks and bruising easily but I would recover and just be a pretty normal kid. My parents knew something was wrong but weren’t exactly sure. We […]
Lynn Lane and Corey Jackson Sit Down for a ‘Conversation’ Today

Today, Lynn Lane, the executive director/founder and ‘Survivor’ himself sits down with 2x stage 4 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma ‘Survivor’ and an all around amazing guy himself, Corey Jackson. This is one of those ‘Conversations’ that should be mandatory for everyone and especially someone who has dealt with or is dealing with cancer in any capacity, including […]
“My Voice” by Francesca Giessmann

I was young.. on the top of the world. Hard work had payed off and I had just started a thriving consulting business. My 3 year old son, out of diapers, was turning into this incredible little creature that I wanted to get to know and spend more time with. My beloved husband by my […]
“My Voice” by Dawn Edens

My name is Dawn Edens and I AM a CANCER SURVIVOR! I am a crazy, sexy cancer goddess. I survived stage III Diffused Large B Cell Lymphoma (Non Hodgkins). I just turned 40 and am a single mom of an 11 year old son, soon to be married in April 2010. I live in Coeur […]
“My Voice” by Sarah Jones

It was ongoing anemia that brought me to a hematologist, and also the first word out of his mouth on the day of my diagnosis: “Anemia. Well, you have a kind of anemia that is unresponsive to treatment.” Listening. “You have refractory anemia.” Still listening. Snap judgment: doesn’t sound too scary. “It is very unusual […]
“Play My Cards” by Jesse Hershkowitz

When I met Jesse, a.k.a. ‘Urbalist’, this year, I could immediately tell that he had a very positive and amazing energy about him. His story over overcoming the challenges that he was faced with post diagnosis and what he has accomplished in his career in the Hip-Hop arena is a testament to who he is […]