“My Voice” by Dennis Clendennen

“The only thing we have to fear is the DRE itself.” Fear is the common or expected result to being diagnosed with cancer. Cancer only happens to ‘other’ people. The fear comes from not only being diagnosed with cancer but the possible effects it can have on one’s body, mind and relationships. In March of […]
“My Voice” by Jack Gray

Jack Gray, Shelby, Ohio. Stage IV Prostate Cancer Cancer has been a big part of my lives. My father and father-in-law passed away from cancer. A very close friend – I’d call her my sister in everything but blood –passed away from cancer. My wife Chris has a rare pre-cancerous disease called Paget’s disease for […]
Ron Dobbins Shares His ‘Voice’ on Video

Today’s ‘voice’ comes to us by way of an amazing 2x ‘Survivor’, Ron Dobbins. Ron shares his journey into ‘Survivorship’ as he talks about his own battle with cancer and where he is today. We had the lucky fortune of meeting this awesome man at the recent Liver Symposium in Fort Worth put on my […]
Roger Howe Shares His ‘Voice’ on Video

Today, Roger Howe shares his amazing ‘voice’ and his journey into ‘Survivorship’. Roger and I met at the Liver Symposium in Fort Worth recently and I was truly moved by his story. He is a multi-time ‘Survivor’ with a ‘voice’ that resonates deeply into each person whom he shares his story with. He is without […]
Lynn Lane Has a Video ‘Conversation’ with Nick O’Hara Smith

Today’s ‘voice’ comes to us by way of a ‘Conversation’ between Nick O’Hara Smith, a testicular cancer ‘Survivor’ from the United Kingdom and Lynn Lane, the Executive Director/Founder of the “Voices of Survivors Foundation” and a ‘Survivor’ himself. This is the second part of a multi-part ‘Conversation’ series on Nick’s own cancer, research into the […]
“My Last Two Weeks” by Lynn Lane

I will preface this by saying that I’m writing this in a stream of consciousness with zero editing because that’s how I feel right now. I just want to see what comes out and be as honest as I can in the process. I’m writing this on Tuesday, November 17th, 2009 after my day of […]