Alma Nelly – ‘Survivor’

Alma Nelly 33 years old Osteosarcoma & Germ Cell Ovarian Cancer Treatment: 6 rounds of chemotherapy, surgery to remove ovarian masses, and amputation of the right lower leg. I am 14 years post treatment and will celebrate my 15th “cancerversary” this October. For fun I like to spend hours out on the running trails in […]
Jenna Langer Shares Her ‘Voice’ on Video Today

Today’s ‘voice’ comes to us by way of an amazing osteosarcoma ‘Survivor’, Jenna Langer. We met this amazing young woman at the recent Liver Symposium in Fort Worth where she easily stood before the camera and let her story flow. She is awesome, funny and without a doubt a ‘Survivor’! Don’t miss Jenna’s ‘voice’ today! […]
“My Voice” by Alma Nelly

I am a survivor… that I know for sure. When did I become one? I haven’t a clue. It could have been that dreadful day when I was diagnosed with cancer; it could have been 9 months later when I was declared cancer free; or, it could have been when I reached the celebrated five […]
“My Voice” by Jessica Rodgers

In May of 2006, I graduated college with my Master of Arts in Teaching. I was ready to get into the real world of teaching, move out on my own, and begin my new adult life. Little did I know, a month later, the future I had mapped out was about to take a huge […]