“My Voice” by Nancy Adkins

I wanted to share my story to give HOPE and a voice to Survivors! I had my first child in December 2005 and began having leg pain three weeks later. I was 26 years old and on maternity leave from my social work position. My pain gradually increased and I began going to the doctor […]
“My Voice” by Teresa Ward

My name is Teresa Brown Ward and I am a Survivor. Being a survivor to me means I am here to be with my family. My son was only seventeen when I was diagnosed. My husband and I had just celebrated our 7th anniversary. I have two stepsons and a grandson who need me too. […]
“My Voice” by Ed Duerr

My name is Ed Duerr. I have Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. I am a survivor. Cancer changes your life, and in January 2009, the life that I had grown accustomed to, was about to come to an abrupt end. I was diagnosed with cancer, more specifically, Waldenstrom’s Macroglobulinemia, a incurable form of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. After being devastated […]
“My Voice” by Betsy de Parry

On January 7, 2002, cancer called. Literally. I was driving on the interstate thinking about the goals I wanted to accomplish during the new year when my cell phone rang. Three little words, “We suspect lymphoma,” crashed over me with the force of the semi traveling next to me. And they replaced my grandiose goals […]
Lynn Lane and Corey Jackson Sit Down for a ‘Conversation’ Today

Today, Lynn Lane, the executive director/founder and ‘Survivor’ himself sits down with 2x stage 4 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma ‘Survivor’ and an all around amazing guy himself, Corey Jackson. This is one of those ‘Conversations’ that should be mandatory for everyone and especially someone who has dealt with or is dealing with cancer in any capacity, including […]
“My Voice” by Francesca Giessmann

I was young.. on the top of the world. Hard work had payed off and I had just started a thriving consulting business. My 3 year old son, out of diapers, was turning into this incredible little creature that I wanted to get to know and spend more time with. My beloved husband by my […]
“My Voice” by Dawn Edens

My name is Dawn Edens and I AM a CANCER SURVIVOR! I am a crazy, sexy cancer goddess. I survived stage III Diffused Large B Cell Lymphoma (Non Hodgkins). I just turned 40 and am a single mom of an 11 year old son, soon to be married in April 2010. I live in Coeur […]
Today, Lynn Lane has a ‘Conversation’ with Crawford Inglis of Scotland

Well, the new site has officially launched for the “Voices of Survivors Foundation” and with that we really are thrilled to bring you another amazingly powerful ‘Conversation’ to kick the launch off properly. This time, Lynn Lane (executive director/founder) sits down with a dear friend and amazing non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma ‘Survivor’, Crawford Inglis of Scotland. Lynn […]
“My Voice” by Cassie Stewart

December 28, 2007 will always be a strange day for me, that’s the day they found my lymphoma. I’d had bronchitis about two weeks before Christmas and even after finishing the antibiotics I didn’t feel better. Two days after Christmas my sister and I were shopping. I coughed really hard and felt something move in […]
“My Voice” by Cyndy Sotomayor

I had a feeling something was wrong. I had always been a fireball of energy and activity, but something was “off” and I just couldn’t figure it out. I was always tired. Not normal everyday tired, but tired with a crushing fatigue that sleep didn’t seem to help. I barely had an appetite, and when […]
“My Voice” by Thomas Waters

Tommy Waters – ‘Survivor’ Torn Soul I’m haunted like nightmares by never-ending days of anxiety. Sleepless nights of uncertainty about the future take over me. Feeling imprisoned and struggling to find a way to be set free. I remember that one way is to look toward the Almighty. Frequently I’m inundated with confusion and ambivalence. […]
“Play My Cards” by Jesse Hershkowitz

When I met Jesse, a.k.a. ‘Urbalist’, this year, I could immediately tell that he had a very positive and amazing energy about him. His story over overcoming the challenges that he was faced with post diagnosis and what he has accomplished in his career in the Hip-Hop arena is a testament to who he is […]