Dennis Clendennen Shares His ‘Voice’ in the ‘Written Word’
Today’s ‘voice’ comes to us by way of a friend of mine, Dennis Clendennen. Dennis and I met in the fashion world where we worked together on a photos shoot not too long ago. We quickly formed a friendship and I grew to know a man whom I have great respect for in his field […]
“My Voice” by Dennis Clendennen

“The only thing we have to fear is the DRE itself.” Fear is the common or expected result to being diagnosed with cancer. Cancer only happens to ‘other’ people. The fear comes from not only being diagnosed with cancer but the possible effects it can have on one’s body, mind and relationships. In March of […]
Karen Schueler Shares Her ‘Voice’ in the ‘Written Word’
Today’s ‘voice’ comes to us by way of a very strong breast cancer ‘Survivor’, Karen Schueler. Each time that we have someone share a little of their journey with us at the “Voices of Survivors Foundation” we get that much closer to a better understanding of what this ‘Survivorship’ is all about. It is global […]
“My Voice” by Karen Schueler

Five years ago I heard those dreadful words, “You’ve got breast cancer”. It was suppose to be a routine mammogram. I didn’t have any family history of breast cancer and I never felt a lump. At my annual exam my GYN pointed out I hadn’t had a mammogram in 3 years and encouraged me to […]