“My Voice” by Jane Haden

I felt I was starting to go mad, sick of having this constant aching pain in my left arm and feeling like my body weighed a tone, everything seemed such an effort. It wasn’t that I didn’t exercise; I loved dancing from an early age and did different kinds of classes as well as doing […]
“Self Advocacy” by Mike Tufo

“Self Advocacy” in “High Quality” Medical Institutions and the importance of making YOUR VOICE heard. An Essay on medical “ignorance” when in a facility “unfamiliar” with YOUR medical history. By Michael D. Tufo, R.T.(CT) ARRT (Synovial Sarcoma/Lung Mets “Survivor” and Medical Imaging Professional.) TO begin with: I have been in the field of Medical Imaging […]
“My Voice” by Mike Tufo

OUR STORY – BY “THE” MIKE TUFO (SYNOVIAL SARCOMA) I’d love nothing more than to claim this story as my own, however it doesn’t belong to just me. This story includes my wife, Dianne and my children, who have been on this ride with me. It began in October 2007, while playing with my four […]