“My Voice” by Aalia Bleibel

My grandmother was this amazing woman that worked, cooked dinner for my grandfather daily, and maintained an immaculately clean home. There were no acceptable excuses for not performing these duties as a wife and a mother. I did not see her raise her children of course, but I have family photos of my mother and […]
“My Voice” by Angela Van Treuren

I am just three months into my cancer journey, and I know that I am already a survivor! I had no symptoms, I had no signs that anything was going on. On September 11, 2009 I went in for my routine annual physical, on September 18 I received the call that something was abnormal. On […]
“My Voice” by Lisa Januzzi Gaskin

In July 2001, I was 34 years old, had been married 11 years and I got pregnant by accident. I say “by accident” because we were “waiting to be financially secure”. I now realize unless you hit the lottery you are never really financially secure! So here I was, newly pregnant, planning my future and […]
“My Voice” by Jennifer Pates

This is me…. My name is Jennifer (Jenni) Pates. Up until I was 23, I was like every other 23 year old. My main concerns were college, friends, having a good time and of course partying. Then in March of 2003 everything changed. I went in for my yearly pap and came out with cancer. […]
“My Voice” by Alissa Gores

So where to begin? I guess the beginning. In July of 2004, I was diagnosed with “pre-cervical cancer”, my Doctor said it would be fine for me to have kids but I should start right away and after I was done I would need a hysterectomy. I was a little scared, but my Doctor was […]
“My Voice” by Katie Brown

I was diagnosed with early stage cervical cancer at age 22. I think because the cancer was found so early and was removed, I didn’t think of myself as a survivor then. The doctors and nurses glossed it over, and aside from the follow up exams that I found annoying, I went about my life […]