Archive for June 15th, 2010

Betsy de Parry Shares Her ‘Voice’ in the ‘Written Word’

Today’s ‘voice’ comes to us by way of a very strong self advocate and stage 4 follicular non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma ‘Survivor’, Betsy de Parry. Betsy shares with us her own journey into ‘Survivorship’ and why it is so important to her that one learns to be there own best advocate. Don’t miss her amazing ‘voice’ today […]

“My Voice” by Betsy de Parry

"My Voice" by Betsy de Parry

On January 7, 2002, cancer called.  Literally. I was driving on the interstate thinking about the goals I wanted to accomplish during the new year when my cell phone rang. Three little words, “We suspect lymphoma,” crashed over me with the force of the semi traveling next to me.  And they replaced my grandiose goals […]