Archive for March 7th, 2011

Pamela Grossman Shares Her ‘Voice’ in the ‘Written Word’

Today’s ‘voice’ comes to us by way of an amazing friend whom I met back when I lived in NYC, Pamela Grossman. She is truly a powerhouse of a woman and gets what this ‘Survivorship’ thing is in a huge way. She’s very active in the community and is always there to lend a shoulder […]

“My Voice” by Pamela Grossman

"My Voice" by Pamela Grossman

I should have known not to go for the mammogram in January. Granted, that had not been the plan. I found the breast lump in November of 2007 and had been deep in negotiations with the cancer center since then in an attempt to get squeezed in (bad pun intentional; sorry) for an appointment when […]