Archive for October 24th, 2011

Myles Blackwell Shares His ‘Voice’ in the ‘Written Word’

Today’s ‘voice’ comes to us by way of a true ‘Survivor’ whom embodies every definition possible of this word. Myles Blackwell truly gets what our words mean: “It’s all about ‘Survivorship’! Take a moment to read his ‘voice’ today in the ‘Written Word’ as he takes you along his journey. You will definitely stand up […]

“My Voice” by Myles Blackwell

"My Voice" by Myles Blackwell

When I was fifteen years old, I thought I would be going to school and spending my time hanging out with friends. I never thought I would be spending hours in the hospital while chemotherapy dripped through my veins. When I learned I had cancer, I was not shocked. I did not have a full […]