Archive for March 6th, 2012

Jaime Needel Shares Her ‘Voice’ in the ‘Written Word’ Today

Today, an incredible ‘Survivor’ shares her ‘voice’ with the “Voices of Survivors Foundation”. She recently celebrated 8 years of ‘Survivorship’ and opens up honestly about her journey into where she is now. If you are looking for some great inspiration, Jaime brings it tenfold for all of us to share in. We can’t thank her […]

“My Voice” by Jaime Needel

"My Voice" by Jaime Needel

As you get older you begin to characterize yourself by your varied titles; mommy, wife, daughter, career person, but you don’t think at age 25 you will be a Cancer Survivor. The definition of Survivor changed shape for me over time. When I first heard the term when I was diagnosed in 2003 at 25, […]