Alma Nelly
33 years old
Osteosarcoma & Germ Cell Ovarian Cancer
Treatment: 6 rounds of chemotherapy, surgery to remove ovarian masses, and amputation of the right lower leg.
I am 14 years post treatment and will celebrate my 15th “cancerversary” this October.
For fun I like to spend hours out on the running trails in and around Houston. When I’m not on my “cheetah” running, I spend my time out on the roads with Ruby, my road bike. To me, being a survivor means doing what most might think impossible for an amputee. It means getting out there and showing the world that having had lost a leg to cancer is not the end of the world. What could have been perceived as the end of my world was only the beginning of the happiest, most fulfilling life I have ever known. Being a survivor means giving it my all each and every day in hopes that I might inspire someone along the way.
*photograph by: Lynn Lane