Archive for July 13th, 2012

Rick Linstead Shares His Voice in the Written Word Today

Today’s ‘voice’ is one that is filled with power, honesty and truly represents what ‘Survivorship’ is all about! As we move into this weekend, this is a ‘voice’ that will resonate for a very long time for all of us. Rick Linstead, a stage III lung cancer Survivor, opens up in a huge way with […]

“My Voice” by Rick Linstead

"My Voice" by Rick Linstead

My name is Rick, I am 54 years old and I am a lung cancer survivor.  Stage III A small cell carcinoma.  My journey began in June 2011 with a calcium stone in my salivary gland, 2 dentists, ENT and radiologist found nothing, when my tongue was swollen to where I could not swallow or […]