“My Voice” by Kristen Franklin

Okay, so I have been given full permission to be open and honest about my cancer experience and my approach to survivorship. I’m not sure that is a good idea knowing my history of sarcasm. There is a word used to describe my feelings, I can’t quite place it…wait, wait. Oh yeah BITTER. Bitter party […]
Jan 12, 2011 | Categories: written word | Tags: Adenocarcinoma, Anal Cancer, Colon Metastis, colorectal cancer, Kristen Franklin
“My Voice” by Robert Marraro

When Your World Comes Crashing Down Around You I remember that day long ago when my world as I knew it would be turned upside down and inside, out. It’s forever etched in my memory. It was the day after Thanksgiving, 2001. I was blessed and thankful for many things, but my feelings of gratitude […]
May 25, 2010 | Categories: co-survivors | Tags: Co-Survivor, Colon Metastis, Germ Cell Ovarian Cancer, Liver Metastis, Metastatic, Ovarian Cancer, Papillary Thyroid Cancer, Rebecca Esparza, Robert Marraro, Thyroid Cancer