Dennis Clendennen Shares His ‘Voice’ in the ‘Written Word’
Today’s ‘voice’ comes to us by way of a friend of mine, Dennis Clendennen. Dennis and I met in the fashion world where we worked together on a photos shoot not too long ago. We quickly formed a friendship and I grew to know a man whom I have great respect for in his field […]
Karen Schueler Shares Her ‘Voice’ in the ‘Written Word’
Today’s ‘voice’ comes to us by way of a very strong breast cancer ‘Survivor’, Karen Schueler. Each time that we have someone share a little of their journey with us at the “Voices of Survivors Foundation” we get that much closer to a better understanding of what this ‘Survivorship’ is all about. It is global […]
Alistair Shaw Shares His ‘Voice’ Today in the ‘Written Word’
Today’s ‘voice’ comes to us by way of the United Kingdom and an amazing ‘Survivor’: Alistair Shaw! Alistair opens up in a very honest way about his experiences after being diagnosed with cancer and all that he has gone through. His journey into ‘Survivorship’ and his willingness to share it with us is quite powerful […]
Laura Morefield Shares Her ‘Voice’ in the “Written Word”
Today’s ‘voice’ comes to us by way of an amazing stage IV colon cancer ‘Survivor’! Laura Morefield truly gets what ‘Survivorship’ is all about and lives life to the fullest. We can’t thank her enough for sharing her journey with us at the “Voices of Survivors Foundation”. This is one that will move you and […]
Karen Yee Shares Her ‘Voice’ Today in the ‘Written Word’
Today’s ‘voice’ comes to us by way of an amazing woman, Karen Yee. Karen takes us into her journey of her own ‘Survivorship’ after being diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer. She has truly opened up her life to us and even shares with us two of her amazing paintings that illustrate her strength and own […]
Cheryl Saul Shares Her ‘Voice’ in the ‘Written Word’
Today’s ‘voice’ comes to us by way of an amazing IDC breast cancer ‘Survivor’ who truly understood the meaning of ‘Survivorship’ long before she was diagnosed with cancer! Cheryl Saul opens up her journey into ‘Survivorship’ in an incredibly honest and powerful way today with us at the “Voices of Survivors Foundation”. Don’t miss her […]
Nick Smart Shares His ‘Voice’ in the “Written Word”
Today’s ‘voice’ comes to us by way of an amazing testicular cancer ‘Survivor’ in the United Kingdom, Nick Smart. Nick takes us a little further into his journey into ‘Survivorship’ with his second “Written Word” piece. Nick shared his ‘voice’ with us a little while back and came to us again with another part of […]
Bill Prentice Shares His ‘Voice’ in the ‘Written Word’
Today’s ‘voice’ comes to us by way of a man who understands ‘Survivorship’ in a hugely deep way, Bill Prentice. Bill’s story is one that will cause your jaw to drop and then to stand up and cheer. He is incredibly honest and open about his own journey into ‘Survivorship’ and to where he is […]
Jack Gray Shares His ‘Voice’ in the ‘Written Word’
Today’s ‘voice’ comes to us by way of a man who without doubt is definitely a ‘Survivor’: Jack Gray. His story is one of inspiration, hope and about truly getting what being a ‘Survivor’ is all about. He will make you stand up and cheer as he pushes forward each day on his bike and […]
Ed Duerr Shares His ‘Voice’ in the ‘Written Word’
Today’s ‘voice’ comes to us by way of a truly amazing ‘Survivor’, Ed Duerr. Ed opens up very honestly about his journey into his own ‘Survivorship’ and what this fight means to him. If you are looking for inspiration today, then you need to look no further because this warrior will definitely bring that inspiration […]
Jase Edgar Shares His ‘Voice’ in the Written Word Today
Today’s ‘voice’ comes to us all the way from across the pond from the United Kingdom. Jase Edgar, a man who defines ‘Survivorship’, shares his journey with the “Voices of Survivors Foundation”. If you are looking for inspiration and a ton of knowledge, this is definitely the place to be! We can’t thank Jase enough […]
Yvette Griffin Shares Her ‘Voice’ in the ‘Written Word’
Today’s ‘voice’ comes to us by way of a truly amazing woman out of Brooklyn, New York: Yvette Griffin. Yvette is without a doubt a true ‘Survivor’. She takes us on her journey into her three years and counting of ‘Survivorship’ today in a very honest and hugely enlightening way. She gets what this thing […]
Nancy Shares Her ‘Voice’ on Video

Today, we have another very special ‘voice’ that was shared with the “Voices of Survivors Foundation” at the Liver Symposium this year. Nancy is without a doubt a ‘Survivor’ who truly gets ‘Survivorship’! She is a hepatic cellular carcinoma ‘Survivor’. If you are looking for inspiration today, this is definitely the place to find it […]
Betty Shares Her ‘Voice’ on Video

Today’s ‘voice’ has been planned for a very long time…actually it was planned before the “Voices of Survivors Foundation” was a foundation, before it was even an organization. This one was thought out back with VOSF was just a project that I had online after my own diagnosis with cancer. I knew that I was […]
Wendy Schwartz Shares Her ‘Voice’ in the ‘Written Word’
It has been a few weeks since we have last had a ‘voice’ shared. We have been going through some technical backend changes to our server/site and finally we are back up ‘Survivor’ style with a very important and moving ‘voice’! This time we have Wendy Schwartz sharing her powerful story with us in the […]
Gayle Weisman Shares Her ‘Voice’ in the ‘Written Word’
Today’s ‘voice’ comes to us by way of an old friend of the “Voices of Survivors Foundation” and an incredible poet as well as ‘Survivor’, Gayle Weisman. Gayle has shared her ‘voice’ with us on Video as well as in the ‘Written Word’ back in 2009 but today we have brought her back for an […]
Joanne Shares Her ‘Voice’ on Video Today

Today, we have another amazing ‘Survivor’ who has shared their ‘voice’ with the “Voices of Survivors Foundation” on camera. We met Joanne at the recent Liver Symposium in Texas where she became the 99th ‘Survivor’ to stand in front of the camera and share her story of ‘Survivorship’ with us. Joanne is a former Dallas […]
Miriam Liggett Shares Her ‘Voice’ on Video

Today’s ‘voice’ comes to us by way of an amazing ‘Survivor’ whom we met at the recent Liver Symposium in Fort Worth. Miriam Liggett is an Inflammatory Breast Cancer ‘Survivor’ who has had metastasis to the liver. Her story is perspective on what this thing called ‘Survivorship’ is all about is truly fantastic. She definitely […]
Jane Shares Her ‘Voice’ on Video

Today’s ‘voice’ comes to us by way of an amazing cholangiocarcinoma ‘Survivor’, Jane Nannizzi. We met Jane at the recent Liver Symposium held in Fort Worth where she shared her powerful story with us on camera and became the 96th ‘Survivor’ to do so on Video. She is truly a ‘Survivor’ and gets ‘Survivorship’ in […]
Jenna Langer Shares Her ‘Voice’ on Video Today

Today’s ‘voice’ comes to us by way of an amazing osteosarcoma ‘Survivor’, Jenna Langer. We met this amazing young woman at the recent Liver Symposium in Fort Worth where she easily stood before the camera and let her story flow. She is awesome, funny and without a doubt a ‘Survivor’! Don’t miss Jenna’s ‘voice’ today! […]
Jean di Carlo-Wagner Shares Her ‘Voice’ on Video

Today’s ‘voice’ comes to us by way of an amazing colon cancer ‘Survivor’ and super advocate, Jean di Carlo-Wagner! Jean has been a friend for awhile on the social network side of life so when we were able to finally meet in person at the recent Liver Symposium in Fort Worth, Texas, we knew that […]
Jane Ali Shares Her ‘Voice’ on Video

Today’s ‘voice’ comes to us by way of a very strong ‘Survivor’ and advocate, Jane Ali. Jane and I have been friends via the internet for quite awhile so it was truly a pleasure meeting her at the recent Liver Symposium and having her share ‘voice’ on camera with the “Voices of Survivors Foundation”. She […]
Betsy de Parry Shares Her ‘Voice’ in the ‘Written Word’
Today’s ‘voice’ comes to us by way of a very strong self advocate and stage 4 follicular non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma ‘Survivor’, Betsy de Parry. Betsy shares with us her own journey into ‘Survivorship’ and why it is so important to her that one learns to be there own best advocate. Don’t miss her amazing ‘voice’ today […]
Nimal Fernando Shares His ‘Voice’ on Video

Today’s ‘voice’ comes to us by way of an amazing ‘Survivor’ from Sri Lanka, Nimal Fernando. Nimal is one of the happiest and energetic people whom we have ever met. He personifies ‘Survivorship’ in a huge way. We met at the Liver Symposium recently held in Fort Worth, Texas where he shared his ‘voice’ on […]